Since the late 1970s, sneakers have been an element of streetwear. Sneaker collecting had become a big component of the streetwear subculture by the late 1980s, thanks in large part to basketballer Michael Jordan’s distinctive shoes. Although shoe styles have evolved, the connection between sneaker culture and streetwear remains strong. The sneaker market is estimated to be worth $79 billion USD in 2020 and is expected to grow to $120 billion by 2026.
Miesiąc: Marzec 2022
Streetwear is a casual clothing style that gained popularity in the 1990s. It evolved from hip hop fashion in New York and surf culture in California to include aspects of sportswear, punk, skateboarding, and Japanese street fashion. Haute couture eventually gained significance. It frequently focuses on „casual, comfy pieces like as jeans, T-shirts, baseball caps, and shoes,” as well as exclusivity through intentional product scarcity. Enthusiasts follow specific brands and seek out limited edition releases.
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